Bio pellet and powder fertilizer manufacturing machines

Why do Crops Still Become Yellowing or Even Dying after Fertilization

Why, after fertilizing crops, not only do the plants turn green, but they turn yellow and even wither and die. In fact, this is the result of “fertilization”, so why is there a “fertilizer damage”?



The crop absorbs moisture by osmosis through protruding part of the root hair epidermal cells. An infiltration system is formed between the crop root hair cell solution and the soil solution around the root system. Under normal circumstances, the concentration of root hair cells is greater than the concentration of soil solution, and water permeates from the soil through the root cell protoplasts to the cell fluid, so that the crops form normal physiological absorption and metabolism. Conversely, if the concentration of the soil solution is higher than the concentration of the cell solution, the water in the cell will diffuse out of the cell to form a reverse osmosis effect, which will cause the cell protoplast to lose water and separate from the cell wall, causing the cells to dry up and stop life activities, leading to wilting and death of the plant.


If the concentration of fertilization is too high, especially in dry weather, the concentration of soil fertilization is too large, which tends to cause the concentration of soil solution to be greater than the concentration of root cell fluid, so that the cell loses water and the cytoplasm and wall are separated, so that the stems and leaves are wilted, especially at the seedling stage of the crop. The concentration of the cell fluid is lower, and when the concentration of the fertilizer is too large, the fertilizer is more likely to be produced.



Therefore, when fertilizing, attention should be paid to condition of the sky, seeing the seedlings, and seeing the rational application of the fertilizer, and sticking to the principle that it should be light and not thick, to prevent the crops from being damaged.


To avoid fertilizer damages, please keep away the following things



Acidic fertilizers should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers. Ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and ammonium phosphate cannot be mixed with alkaline fertilizers such as grass ash, lime, kiln ash and potassium fertilizer, and neutralization reaction will occur, resulting in loss of nitrogen and reducing fertilizer efficiency.



Chlorine-containing fertilizers should not be used on saline and alkaline crops. Chlorine crops include tobacco, sugar beets, potatoes, tea trees, peach trees, grapes, citrus, sugar cane, and watermelon.



Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied before shallow application or watering. Nitrogen fertilizers are generally converted to ammonium nitrogen after being applied to the soil, which is easily lost with water or volatilized by light and heat, and loses fertilizer efficiency.



Ammonium bicarbonate and urea cannot be mixed. The amide nitrogen in urea can not be absorbed by crops. It can only be used by crops after being converted into ammonium nitrogen by the action of gland enzymes in the soil. After carbon iron is applied to the soil, the soil solution will be acidic in a short period of time and will accelerate. The volatilization loss of nitrogen in urea cannot be mixed. Ammonium bicarbonate can not be mixed with bacterial fertilizer, because the former will emit a certain concentration of ammonia gas, which has a toxic effect on the latter’s active bacteria, which will make the bacterial fertilizer lose its fertilizer effect.



Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied to legumes. There are nitrogen-fixing rhizobium in the roots of legumes. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer will not only cause waste, but also make the crops more mature and affect the yield.



Phosphate fertilizer should not be dispersed. Phosphorus in phosphate fertilizer is easily absorbed by the soil and loses fertilizer efficiency. Phosphate fertilizer should be mixed with compost for a period of time, and then applied to the root of the crop.



Fertilizers with higher phosphorus content should not be used more for vegetables. Vegetables require relatively little phosphorus.



Potassium fertilizer should not be applied in the late stage of crop growth. When there is a symptom of potassium deficiency, the crop growth is nearing the late stage. At this time, the topdressing has not played much role. Therefore, the potassium fertilizer should be applied to the crop seedling stage in advance or used as a base fertilizer.



Rare earth fertilizers should not be applied directly to the soil. The amount of rare earth fertilizer is small, and the correct method of use is to mix rare earth fertilizers for foliar application.



It is not advisable to apply fertilizers regardless of crop varieties and growth periods. Different crops and crops of different growth stages have different needs for the variety and quantity of fertilizers. Fertilization regardless of crops and period will only be counterproductive.



Ammonium sulfate should not be applied for a long time. Ammonium sulphate is a physiological acid fertilizer. When applied to the same soil for a long time, it will increase its acidity and destroy the agglomerate structure. In alkaline soil, ammonium ions of ammonium sulphate are absorbed, while acid ions remain in the soil and react with calcium to make soil. The knot becomes hard.



Unfertilized farmyard manure and cake fertilizer should not be applied directly. Unfertilized farmyard manure and cake fertilizer contain a variety of eggs and germs, and also produce a lot of carbon dioxide gas and heat. Direct use will pollute the soil, accelerate soil water evaporation, burn out crop roots, and affect seed germination. The correct method of use is to first fully pile up the farmyard manure and cake fertilizer, and then use it after high temperature disinfection or chemical treatment.



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